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You need software but it's too expensive? This isn't problem! Quality of gratis software (Freeware and Open Source) often is the same as paid software. Here is directory of Freeware.

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Free file managers : programs for Linux ...

muCommander 0.7.1
A lightweight, cross-platform file manager featuring a Norton Commander style interface and running on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris, Linux, *BSD, OS/2...).
Producer / download / (356 KB) / Freeware - Donationware

Nautilus 2.12.0
A graphical shell for the GNOME desktop enviornment that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system.
Producer / download / (5,7 MB) / GPL

Krusader 1.70.1
An advanced twin-panel (commander style) filemanager for KDE. It supports mime-type, complete drag n' drop, multiple filesystems, archives, bookmarks etc.
Producer / download / (4,0 MB) / GPL

BSCommander 2.26
Two-panels filemanager written in C++.
Producer / download / (247 KB) / GPL
Zgłoś niedziałające / zmiany w licencji

Tux Commander 0.4.101
A file manager with 2 panels side by side written for GTK2.
Producer / download / (153 KB) / Open Source

Thunar 0.9.0
A modern file manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment. It has been designed from the ground up to be fast and easy-to-use. Its user interface is clean and intuitive, and does not include any confusing or useless options. It support plugins.
Producer / download / (6,2 MB) / GPL



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