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 Freeware for: Windows ↓ Mac OS X ↓ Linux ↓ Palm & Smartphone ↓ ' ?>
You need software but it's too expensive? This isn't problem! Quality of gratis software (Freeware and Open Source) often is the same as paid software. Here is directory of Freeware.

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INTERNET: Links in english: IN THIS SITE, but in polish:
Office suite : programs for Linux ...

OpenOffice 3.0.0
Free office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.
Producer / download / (167,4 MB) / GPL

Gnumeric 1.6.3
A free spreadsheet program that is part of the GNOME desktop.
Producer / download / (16,8 MB) / Freeware

AbiWord 2.4.5
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar MS Word. It requires Mac OSX 10.2 or higher.
Producer / download / (3,6 MB) / GPL

KOffice 1.6.3
KOffice is a free, integrated office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment.
Producer / download / (54,2 MB) / GPL

IBM Lotus Symphony 1.2
A free office suite created by Lotus. It has a text processor. spreadsheet and presentations program (to view and to edit and create). Also it support ODF files and can export documents to PDF format. It supports plugins and it is multiplatform software (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux).
Producer / Download from producer's site / Freeware



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