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Freeware for


 Freeware for: Windows ↓ Mac OS X ↓ Linux ↓ Palm & Smartphone ↓ ' ?>
You need software but it's too expensive? This isn't problem! Quality of gratis software (Freeware and Open Source) often is the same as paid software. Here is directory of Freeware.

Download Opera


INTERNET: Links in english: IN THIS SITE, but in polish:
Liniks and web validators : programs for Linux ...

This program fixes invalid HTML code (i.e. missing or mismatched end tags, mixed up tags, transform characters from some encodings into HTML entities, cleaning up presentational markup etc.).
Producer / download / (147 KB) / Open Source

Gubed PHP Debugger 0.2.2
Gubed is a cross platform program to debug PHP scripts.
Producer / download / (303 KB) / GPL

LinkChecker 3.3
Check websites and HTML documents for broken links
Producer / download / (618 KB) / GPL



Save Wolves !
 Linux / polish version english
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